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For Program Year 2011
Community Planning and Development Funds
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development


The Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority (GHURA) is announcing the availability of an estimated $4,585,066.00 in Community Planning and Development (CPD) funds available from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. Eligible government agencies and non-profit organizations are invited to submit proposals that address the goals identified in Guam’s Consolidated Plan for 2010-2014.


Applications for the use of CPD funds will be available beginning on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at the GHURA GCIC Office, Division of Research, Planning and Evaluation, located at 414 West Soledad Avenue, GCIC Bldg, Suite 306 in Hagatña, and via the GHURA website at Funding estimates are as follows:


Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)   $3,050,372.00
Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME)   $1,405,903.00
Emergency Shelter Grant Funds (ESG)   $128,791.00


CDBG funds may be used to revitalize neighborhoods, provide affordable housing, expand economic opportunities, and to improve community facilities and services. Use of CDBG funds must meet at least one of the program’s national objectives of (1) benefiting low and moderate-income persons, (2) eliminating slum or blight conditions, or (3) meeting other urgent community development needs.


HOME funds may be used to create affordable housing for homeowners or homebuyers through financial assistance programs, site acquisition or improvement, or the construction or rehabilitation of housing for rent or homeownership. Use of HOME funds must benefit low-income persons.


ESG funds may be used to rehabilitate or convert buildings into homeless shelters, or to provide for operating expenses, supportive services, or homeless prevention efforts. Use of ESG funds must benefit the homeless. No more than 30% of ESG funds may be used for homeless prevention activities.


A workshop for organizations interested in applying for any of these grants will be held on Friday, March 25, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the GHURA CPD Office, 414, West Soledad Avenue, GCIC Bldg, Suite 306 in Hagatña.


Interested applicants may pick up application forms at the GHURA CPD Office in Hagatna. Forms will also be available for download on the GHURA website at All applications must be submitted to the GHURA CPD office in Hagatna no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 25, 2011.


For further information, please contact Mr. Michael Duenas, GHURA Chief Planner, at 475-1407.



Executive Director


PY2011 CDBG ED App


PY2011 CDBG PS App

PY2011 ESG App

PY2011 HOME App

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2008 Guam COFA Migrants Basic Tables v2

2008 Guam Statistical Yearbook

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