Hafa Adai & Welcome!

You are seconds away from knowing where you rank in the waiting list of the housing program(s) you have selected. 

Check your application(s) status:

X X X - X X -

Last updated: March 13, 2025

ATTN: Section 8 Lottery applicants

NOTE:  It is your responsibility to notify GHURA, in writing, within six (6) months of your application date and once every six (6) months thereafter, of your continued interest. Failure to do so will result in the removal of your name from the Waiting List. If you are selected, you will be notified of an interview appointment.

GHURA is now serving Section 8 lottery rank 560 through 1196, Non-U.S. Citizens. Notice of Mass Screening Appointment has been mailed. Please read the notice and note your scheduled date/time and location of your appointment.

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